St. Georg, Bensheim
Detail of the pillars in Bensheims St. Georg Catholic Church.
Detail of the pillars in Bensheims St. Georg Catholic Church.
bensheim catholic church heimat heimatliebe heimattourismus historic inside st.georg
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Bensheim's historical town centere with lots of half-timbered houses (Fachwerkhaus). – Die historische Innenstadt von Bensheim mit vielen alten Fachwerkhäusern
altstadt bensheim fachwerkhaus half-timbered house heimat heimatliebe heimattourismus historic small town town town center
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The inside of the catholic St. Georg church in Bensheim, Germany – Innenraum der Kirche St. Georg in Bensheim an der Bergstraße
bensheim catholic church heimat heimatliebe heimattourismus historic inside st.georg
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Sonja taking a picture of the inside of St. Georg
bensheim catholic church heimat heimatliebe heimattourismus historic inside st.georg
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