Day 2 - Connemara National Park & Sky Road
Day 2 - Exploring the Connemara National Park.
Day 8 - The Kenai Peninsula
The start of our second week in Alaska also marked the beginning of our second road trip. This time we're not going up into interior Alaska, but rather down south to visit the Kenai Peninsula. With a pop-up trailer attached to the huge car we started our… Read more
Day 6 - Trip back to Eagle River
Our day #6 in Alaska started really early as we wanted to go pick blueberries again before we had to leave Tok. We got up at 5 o'clock to do so, and after about one and a half hours of picking we ended up having a whole bucket of blueberries that we got… Read more
Day 4 - Four Mile Lake, Moose and the ice-cream-drop
Our first day in Tok started off rather uneventful. Later we went to the Tetlin Wildlife Refuge InfoCenter to find out about the bugs that had bothered us the day before. After some back and forth we found out what they were. Wait for it. Firebugs. Some… Read more
Day 3 - Trip to Tok
On our third day, we did our first "road trip", which lead us to the famous city Tok. Since the roads in Alaska aren’t as crowded as the german ones we’re used to, we had to prepare for every circumstance which could occur. So we packed all our… Read more
The Journey Begins
Yesterday we started our trip to Alaska from Frankfurt Airport. We went through check-in and all security procedures without any trouble or delays and then waited at the probably farthest away gate to finally board our plane and start the journey. When… Read more