Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt
The "Mathildenhöhe" in Darmstadt is a ensemble of different art nouveau buildings created by an artists colony, the "Künstlerkolonie Mathildenhöhe" in the beginning of the 20th century. Read more
The "Mathildenhöhe" in Darmstadt is a ensemble of different art nouveau buildings created by an artists colony, the "Künstlerkolonie Mathildenhöhe" in the beginning of the 20th century. Read more
architecture art art nouveau buildings darmstadt heimattourismus hesse hessen jugenstil localtourism lokaltourismus mathildenhoehe mathildenhöhe nouveau rhein-main rhine-main sculptures sightseeing
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It's springtime in Darmstadt. Everything is turning green and colorful and the sun is shining. I used the nice weather for a little walk through Darmstadt. I also came by the h_da-Building, which is lovingly called "the cheese grater" by the locals… Read more
architecture building darmstadt germany green heimattourismus hesse hessen homelandtourism localtourism lokaltourismus rhein-main rhine-main spring summer
See more in Germany